Health & Wellbeing
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Fundamental British Values
Neighbourhood Watch
Neighbourhood Watch


Entry Level 3 EDSQ

Unit 5 – Being safe and responsible online
Protecting privacy

Shows how easy it is for fraudsters to steal personal information

Keeping your personal data safe-online course

Keeping your devices safe 

Using a shared device 

How to create a strong password- video, hints and tips

Browser Security- video highlighting https and padlock as security features when browsing online

How to avoid phishing scams

Phishing quiz from google- requires detailed reading

Public Wi-Fi safety tips

Covering protection from viruses and locking your device. 

Basics of online safety 

Dealing with online scams 

Locking your device 

How to create strong passwords

List of most common (worst) passwords used in 2020

Password checker (1) – check common passwords and see how hard they are to hack.

DO NOT input your own real passwords

Password checker (2) – check common passwords and see how hard they are to hack.

DO NOT input your own real passwords

Password checker

Being responsible online

Safer internet day

Safer internet day 2023

Connecting safely online and reporting concerns 


Reporting incidents online (1)

Police (a)

Reporting incidents online (1)

Police (b)

Reporting incidents online (1)

Police (c)

Reporting incidents online (2)

Advertising Standards Agency- https://www.asa.org.uk regulates adverts and promotions on the internet

Reporting incidents online (3)

Further reporting links available at https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/advice-centre/need-help

Reporting incidents on social media (1)


Reporting incidents on social media (2)


Reporting incidents on social media (3)


Understand and prevent the physical stresses of being online

Sitting Comfortably at your computer 

The HSE Homeworkers your health and safety

GCF Global – Creating a safe workspace